Release 17

Release 17: This Week's New Features

Custom Export Templates: This week we published new export templates. These templates will help you understand your data better and help you easily pinpoint Mailable, Non-Mailable, and Updated Records. To access these templates, navigate to your Export page, by clicking the Export button at the top of your file page. 

You will then be navigated to the Export Page. To update your Export Template, navigate to the Default Layout dropdown and select the layout you want to export. Once you have selected your export template, review the fields and then click the Download Button at the top of your page.

Default Layout dropdown located on the bottom right


Currently, we have 5 export templates for use:

  1. Default Layout: This layout includes all of the fields you have come to expect on a TrueNCOA export.
  2. Mailable Records Layout: This layout returns all records that are considered deliverable by the USPS. These include all Current and Active records and exclude vacants, invalids, and failed DPV records.
  3. Non-Mailable Records Layout: This layout returns all records that are considered non-deliverable by the USPS. These include all Historical records and Active records that failed DPV records, vacants and invalids.
  4. Updated Records Layout: This layout returns all records that were updated by the DPV and NCOA process. These records should be updated in your database. These records include Current records and records that have been standardized to the USPS preference.
  5. Basic Layout: This layout returns your top level fields needed to make your database update decisions. The fields returned include name fields, address fields, vacant, invalid, residential delivery indicator, and move data.

Update Button:

NOTE: Starting May 1, 2023, TrueNCOA File Updates are only available to organizations with a 501(c)(3) status.

We added an Update Button to each new File Display page. This button allows you to process an update on your file. This is beneficial to use when you may have a large mailing coming up and your last update was a few days ago. This feature gives you the power to update your file yourself and make sure you are not missing any new addresses. To access this feature, navigate to your file's display page and click the update button at the top of the page. Note: if you did not purchase your initial file, you will be unable to download your updates.


Pending Updates Page:

NOTE: Starting May 1, 2023, TrueNCOA File Updates are only available to organizations with a 501(c)(3) status.

We added a Pending Updates Page, so you know exactly when you can expect your next update. To access this page, navigate to the Files page by clicking 'Files' on the homepage. Then navigate to the Pending Updates Button located to the right above the File History list.

Pending Updates Button


You will then be brought to the Pending Updates page where you will find a list of your files with dates for when your next update will occur.

Pending Updates Page


Recents Button: We added a Recents Button, so you can quickly navigate to your most recent files. To access the Recents Button navigate to the home page and click the clock icon located to the left of your credit counter and user icon. A dropdown will appear and show you your most recently accessed files. This button only appears for users with more than one file.

Recents Button located at the top of the home page


Improvements: Daily NCOA Updates

Daily NCOA Updates: TrueNCOA now automatically re-processes NCOA updated files daily to look for recent moves and provides you with a weekly update free of charge. This complimentary service helps you keep your address records current.

Previously, all weekly updates were processed on Tuesday morning. Moving forward, files will be processed on the day of the week that they were first processed.

We re-process your file and identify any of your contacts that have filed a Change of Address with the USPS for 95 days after your purchase. You can read more about this change on our blog: Automatic Daily NCOA Updates.

Household Position and Name Id: We have added two new fields to our output. Household position indicates the order in which a record's constituents were screened. For example, if a record includes two individuals (spouse), then the first individual will have an order index of '1' and the second individual or spouse will  have an order index of '2'. This field took the place of record_source which due to lack of interest was removed from our output.  Name Id has taken the place of Global Id. Name Id is a unique identifier given to your records by our system. This Name ID is different from Record ID.


Name Parser Update: Some users were experiencing an issue with our name parser. This mainly occurred when there were special characters within the name. 

Mobile View: When viewing on mobile,  the user button and credits display were wrapping onto another row. This was obstructing the view and made it difficult to use. We have updated this to prevent the wrapping from happening.