Release 13

Release 13: This Week’s New Features

  • Show File Count: We added a new file counter to your File History page. Now, when you login, you’ll see the total number of NCOA files you’ve processed with TrueNCOA in the top left corner of your screen. By default, this count includes the number of files that you uploaded and have not deleted. It does not include any subsequent automatic update files.


  • Move Map Display: We love the Move Map, but for the largest files you process it can slow down your File Display page as it loads. We updated TrueNCOA so that the Move Map only loads for files with less than 1,000,000 records. Don’t worry, though! If you process a file with more than 1,000,000 records, you can still see your Move Map by scrolling to the bottom of your File Display page and clicking the Move Map header. This will open the Move Map in a new tab.