Get your full 18 and 48 month NCOA report with no purchase required.
TrueNCOA offers free NCOA processing. When you run your file with TrueNCOA your file processes for free and you get a complimentary TrueNCOA Report.
Located at the top of the TrueNCOA Report, is our Potential Direct Mail Cost Savings calculator. This calculator estimates the amount of money you can save on postage and penalties by running your file through TrueNCOA before mailing. We calculate your potential savings by using a count of total moves, invalid addresses, expired addresses, and vacant addresses.
In addition to estimated cost savings, total deliverable and non-deliverable records and other address information, our Free NCOA processing and complimentary report includes moves by date and state.
We also include a free version of our Move Map. The Move Map (located below the TrueNCOA Report) plots all addresses on your file associated with an 18-month move. You can view a free version of the map before you purchase and download your results, which shows you move distribution.

Accounts are free, and pricing is pay-as-you-go.
With the $20/file pricing, you will receive:
- Updated addresses for 18 and 48-month moves
- Address standardization
- Identified Move Types
- Identified Address Types
- Identified Vacancies
- An Interactive Move Map
* If your constituent filed a move with the USPS within the last 18 months we consider that to be an 18-month move. Your output file will include those updated addresses.
* 48-month moves are ones where your constituent moved between 19 and 48 months ago. Your output file will include those updated addresses.
Give us a try...
Upload, Paste, or Drag & Drop your data file today for our all-inclusive NCOA services and receive your complimentary TrueNCOA Report - no credit card required.
For fully automated hands-off data updates try TrueGivers' CRM Data Hygiene and Enhancement Services.