How To Read A Nixie Label

USPS Nixie Mail Codes

Mail can be returned and marked with USPS nixie mail codes if it is missing NCOA forwarding information or secondary address information. This is why it is important to validate addresses before mailing.

Missing forwarding information

When someone moves they can submit forwarding information via a change of address form to the USPS. If this information was never submitted by the resident, the mail will likely be returned marked "Not Deliverable as Addressed Unable to Forward". TrueNCOA verifies that addresses are valid and deliverable and provides any 18 and 48 month address updates.

Missing secondary information

Another common reason for returned mail is missing or invalid secondary information such as apartment or suite number. TrueNCOA returns status codes from the validation process to help you determine why primary or secondary address information was considered invalid. We provide full definitions of these status codes in our data dictionary.

Nixie Label

Unfortunately, because National Change of Address information is consumer sourced, even regular NCOA processing will not prevent all returned mail. In addition, there are a number of non-move related reasons an address may not be deliverable. If you receive a yellow NIXIE label with USPS returned mail codes, you can determine why the piece of mail was returned.

Some of the most common nixie mail codes:

A full list of NIXIE return to sender reasons and their definitions can be found here.

Give us a try...

TrueNCOA will save you at least $20 and keep you USPS compliant at no extra cost if you are mailing more than 850 records each year. Learn more about unlimited, flat rate servce here or email  [email protected] with questions.

For fully automated hands-off data updates try TrueGivers' CRM Data Hygiene and Enhancement Services.