When you download your TrueNCOA results, there will be several fields returned in your export file that are associated with an updated address or move record. In addition to new address information and move date, the NCOA process returns details such as family or individual move, residential or business address and codes indicating specific incorrect address information. This information is also returned for input addresses when applicable.
- F - Zip+4 Match on the company name
- G - General delivery record
- H - High rise record
- P - PO box record
- R - Rural route record
- S - Street record
A two‐digit code that identifies the individual mail delivery location for this address. You can view the codes here.
Delivery Point Verification is a set of 6 characters each character position has a different meaning. See Delivery Point Verification Codes Table.
delivery_point_verification _notes
DPV Notes can contain any combination of the codes listed here under delivery point verification notes.
Indicates the Date (YYYYMMDD) the Record was Processed
The date the move was filed with the USPS, in YYYYMM format.
The distance between the old dwelling unit and the new dwelling unit. This is measured in miles; with up to 9,999 miles and two decimal points included from centroid zip.
Move Status Applied During NCOA Processing:
- M - Moved
- G - PO box closed
- K - Moved, left no forwarding address
- F - Moved to foreign country
Indicates the type of match:
- I - Individual match
- F - Family match
- B - Business name match
Source of name:
- CN - Company
- PM - Primary maiden
- PN - Primary name
- SN - Secondary name
- SM - Secondary maiden
Type of record:
- A - Active; no move was applie; may or may not be the current address
- C - Current; move was applied and this is the current record
- H - Historical or previous address
Identified whether a delivery type is classified as residential or business:
- Y - Residential
- N - Business
Type of record:
- A - Active; no move was applied; may or may not be the current address
- C - Current; move was applied and this is the current record
- H - Historical or previous address
You can view a our data dictionary for a complete list of output fields.
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