TrueNCOA’s Output File Guide describes how to export, download, and understand your NCOA USPS data. Once your file is in a status of “Completed”, you define your export and download your data. Depending on which layout and fields you select, you may have to interpret the output differently.
Exporting your NCOA USPS data
When your file is in a status of “Processed”, you can click the “Export” button located at the top of the file display page.
This will direct you to the export page, where you select your layout, choose which fields to export, and have the option to rename the output fields.

On this page, there is nothing more to do unless you wish to customize the export file, which is not required. The default selections will return all data and all fields.
Optional Steps
- Choose your Layout by selecting a Layout from the drop-down list to the right of the “Layout” label. Read more about the different Export Templates below.
- Select or deselect the export fields you wish to include/exclude in your export file.
- Rename the export fields as you wish. NOTE: you cannot rename the import file fields on the export, they are prefixed with “input_” by default to eliminate confusion. You should also take care to not duplicate any field names you rename; each export file field name must be unique.
Once you are satisfied with your selections, you can download your export file by clicking on the “Download” button at the top. You will need a minimum of one (1) credit to download the export file. The system will prompt you twice before you use a credit, so there should be no concern about accidentally using a credit.
The download will start automatically, and your export file will be placed in a ZIP file. You can open this file to find your NCOA USPS file. Once you have downloaded and opened your file, you are ready to explore the data returned to you - including updated addresses!
Export Templates
The USPS prefers addresses in the upper case format for OCR readability. As a result they return all NCOA data in upper case. TrueNCOA by default also outputs NCOA files in upper case.
Since this is not a strict requirement for the USPS, and because this is not always a desirable format for updating your database, TrueNCOA also allows you to select a proper-case version of each template.
Here are the export templates available for use:
- Default Layout: This layout includes all of the fields you have come to expect on a TrueNCOA export. This will return multiple records - one for each input record, and one for each move.
- Mailable Records Layout: This layout returns all records that are considered deliverable by the USPS. These include all Current and Active records and exclude vacant, invalid, and failed DPV records. This will one record for each input record along with moves, but will suppress invalid records.
- Non-Mailable Records Layout: This layout returns all records that are considered non-deliverable by the USPS. These include all Historical records and Active records that failed DPV or are vacant and invalid.
- Updated Records Layout: This layout returns all records that were updated by the DPV and NCOA process. These records should be updated in your database. These records include Current records and records that have been standardized to the USPS preference.
- Basic Layout: This layout returns your top level fields needed to make your database update decisions. The fields returned include name fields, address fields, vacant, invalid, residential delivery indicator, and move data.
- Move Records Only Layout: This layout returns all fields but only includes records where move data was found. This will include all 0-48 month moves and any move, no forwarding addresses.
Export Fields
The fields returned include your input fields plus standard NCOA fields. These include name, standardized addresses, address type, record type, updated addresses, residential delivery indicator, carrier route, vacant addresses, etc. To see all returned fields and review your definitions, check out our Data Dictionary. You can also find helpful videos and additional guides on our FAQ page (
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