Rate & Update Changes – Effective 5/1/2023

TrueNCOA Rate Change

TrueNCOA will be changing rates effective 5/1/2023. The rate change is required to pay for additional hardware to support customers processing very large data sets in the shared environment.

The rate change is to the number of records processed per $20.  The rate change is from 5MM (5,000,000) to 2MM (2,000,000) records per $20, or from $0.004/M to $0.01/M.

We are still the lowest provider cost by a wide margin, and we are committed to providing the fastest and easiest to use NCOA solution in the market.

This only affects customers who are not on an annual agreement.  If you would like to discuss how an annual agreement can help you save money, please let us know.

How will this change affect me?

Check our NCOA Cost Calculator here: https://truencoa.com/ncoa-cost-calculator/

Free File Update Change

In addition to the rate change, TrueNCOA will sunset the free updates for clients that do not have a 501(c)(3) status.

This change is also related to the rate change and the additional hardware needed to support customers processing very large data sets in the shared environment.

Any clients that do not have a 501(c)(3) status and that have a file processed between January 27, 2023 and April 30, 2023 will have their free 95 days of updates honored. Please contact [email protected] if you are not seeing the update button available on your file.