Understanding Your TrueNCOA Report

Make an informed NCOA purchasing decision

Each time you process a file with TrueNCOA you will receive a free NCOA Report. This provides you with details regarding the number of 18 and 48 month moves; the number of expired, vacant, and invalid addresses; your potential cost savings and more. We provide you with all the information necessary to make a purchasing decision. If your file has too few or no moves or if the cost savings is too low, there is no obligation to purchase your processed file. You can even set a reminder to process a file at a future date.

See what is included in your free TrueNCOA Report

Below is a chart providing an example and brief explanation of the information provided in your free TrueNCOA Report.

TrueNCOA Report Details Example Description
Potential Direct Mail Cost Savings $33.44 This indicates the potential postal savings based on .44 cent postage x number of total moves, expired, and invalid addresses
Records Processed 1,000 (100%) Total number of records processed
18 - Month NCOA Moves 64 (6%) Total number of 18 month moves (address returned)
48 - Month NCOA Moves 2 (0%) Total number of 48 month moves (address returned)
Moves with no Forwarding Address 0 (0%) Total number of moves with no forwarding address provided
Total NCOA Moves 66 (7%) Total number of 18 and 48 month moves
Percentage of Moves 7.00% Percentage of total moves
Vacant Flag 11 (1%) Number of vacant addressses
DPV Updated/Address Corrected Records 129 (13%) Number of updated/corrected addresses
DPV Deliverable Records 969 (97%) Number of deliverable records
DPV Non-Deliverable Records 22 (2%) Number of Non-deliverable records
LACS Updated (Rural Address converted to Street Address) 2 (0%) Updated rural addresses
Residential Delivery Indicator 975 (98%) Number of residential addresses
Addresses matched to the USPS Databas 991 (99%) Number of addresses matched to USPS database
Invalid Addresses 9 (1%) Number of invalid addresses
Expired Addresses 1 (0%) Number of expired addresses
Move Types Example Description
Family Move (F) 11 (17%) Change of address record indicates a family move
Individual Move (I) 55 (83%) Change of address record indicates an individual move
Address Types Example Description
High Rise Address 71 (7%) Indicated by "H" on export file
PO Box Address 16 (2%) Indicated by "P" on export file
Single Family Address 904 (90%) Indicated by "S" on export file
Unknown 6 (1%) Indicated by "Blank record" on export file