NCOALink or NCOA (National Change of Address) is a data set containing approximately 160 million permanent change-of-address records filed with the United States Postal Service® in the last 48 months. This list consists of names and addresses of individuals, families, and businesses who have filed a change of address.
In other words, consumers will fill out a change of address form online or at their local Post Office. As a result, USPS will apply that move and mail will now be forwarded to their new address.

Consumers submit Change of Address forms to USPS voluntarily. NCOA processing makes that data available to organizations like yours.
This process will return new updated addresses for individuals who moved in the previous 48-months.
Read more about the benefits of using NCOA processing!
When you process a file with TrueNCOA, your file will be processed through NCOA, CASS, DPV, and RDI.
Accounts are free, and pricing is pay-as-you-go.
With the $20/file pricing, you will receive:
- Updated addresses for 18 and 48-month moves
- Address standardization
- Identified Move Types
- Identified Address Types
- Identified Vacancies
- An Interactive Move Map
* If your constituent filed a move with the USPS within the last 18 months we consider that to be an 18-month move. Your output file will include those updated addresses.
* 48-month moves are ones where your constituent moved between 19 and 48 months ago. Your output file will include those updated addresses.
Give us a try...
TrueNCOA will save you at least $20 and keep you USPS compliant at no extra cost if you are mailing more than 850 records each year. Learn more about unlimited, flat rate service here or email [email protected] with questions.
For fully automated hands-off data updates try TrueGivers' CRM Data Hygiene and Enhancement Services.